To be considered eligible for full or provisional membership in the SNHCA, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- Must be a resident of Southern Nevada,
- must be at least 21 years of age,
- must be classified as a full-time, part-time, steady extra, or on-call employee,
- must be employed at a hotel-owned concierge department with a lobby-level desk that serves a transient clientele and must work on the premises where the desk is located,
- must primarily perform the functions of a concierge,
- must have passed probation in his or her current concierge department.
Concierge employed to provide services to select guests on VIP floors or towers, or on floors other than that with the main lobby of the hotel, shall not qualify for membership. Concierge employed to provide services from a remote location that is not housed in the same building, as the concierge desk shall not be considered eligible for membership.
Membership to the SNHCA shall not be denied based on gender, race, national origin, sexual preference or religion.
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Once all requirements for membership consideration have been met, the applicant’s name shall be put forth to the membership for comments. The applicant may then submit his/her application for membership along with payment in the amount of the annual membership dues or a prorated amount if the application is submitted after the beginning of the current term. Terms commence on July 1st and end on June 30th of the following year. Prorated dues shall be calculated to an amount equal to no less than 50% of the annual dues.
The Director of Membership will review the application and verify the information contained therein. The applicant will then be considered for membership by the Officers of the SNHCA. If the membership application is approved, the new member will be presented to the members at large. If the membership application is denied, the payment will be returned to the applicant.
Individuals working at desks that meet the Les Clefs d’Or membership criteria shall be deemed eligible to apply for membership.
If a Les Clefs d’Or member has recently moved to Southern Nevada, is in good standing with Les Clefs d’Or and in his or her previous local association, and otherwise meets sections a-f of the criteria listed in Article 3.1 Membership Qualifications, he or she shall be considered to be immediately eligible for membership. To apply for full membership, the Les Clefs d’Or member must submit an application and provide a letter from his or her past association and/or a letter from a current member of the Les Clefs d’Or Board of Directors.