A Genuine Desire to Serve
Established in 1990, the Southern Nevada Hotel Concierge Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization dedicated to providing the highest level of service to visitors to Las Vegas. Our principal mission is to:
- Establish a network of service and friendship amongst Southern Nevada concierge.
- Promote the interest and welfare of hotels and resort properties.
- Provide guests with service which meets the highest professional and ethical standards.
- Enhance the development of present concierges and those entering the profession.
- Prepare concierges for membership in Les Clefs d’Or USA.
- Educate Southern Nevada property managers about the value of concierge.
- Unite a communication network of concierge in the United States and around the world.
- Execute any lawful activities deemed by the Board of Directors to be in the best interest of the concierge profession and community.
SNHCA concierges set the standard in a city known for impeccable service. Members take pride in being extremely knowledgeable while maintaining a commitment to continuing education and development.
SNHCA concierges are here to assist you in making your trip to Las Vegas an unparalleled experience.
We are building a stronger community through our commitment to philanthropy

Mission Statement
Establish a network of service and friendship amongst the Southern Nevada Concierges. Promote the interest and welfare of our hotels, country clubs, resort properties and community awareness.
Provide our guests with service of the highest professional and ethical standards. Enhance the development of present concierges and those entering the profession. Achieve membership into Les Clefs d’Or USA.
Educate and interact with the Southern Nevada property managers about the value of Concierge.